Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Monday that talks between Russia and Ukraine had begun. Pictures have been released by the ministry in which delegations from both sides are sitting face to face at a large table.
According to Reuters, talks were also hinted at by Ukraine before the talks began. Ukraine has said its talks are aimed at an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Russia, on the other hand, is cautious and does not say what it wants in negotiations with Ukraine.
According to AFP, Belarus's state-run news agency Belta also reported that talks between the two countries had begun for the first time since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. According to the news agency: "Russia and Ukraine are holding talks for the first time."
On Monday, the UN Human Rights Council voted in favor of urgently discussing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which would further isolate Moscow, which has raised concerns about human rights abuses during the war. Opposed Ukraine's attempt to clarify. On the other hand, a very unusual and emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly has been convened today (Monday) in which the issue of Russian invasion of Ukraine will be discussed.
According to Reuters, the head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Filippo Grande has said that the number of people fleeing Ukraine after the Russian invasion has reached 500,000 in each of the neighboring countries.
Ukraine has agreed to send a delegation to meet with Russian representatives in Belarus, Moscow's main ally, after Belarus cleared the way for Russian troops to invade Ukraine.
Belarus's Foreign Ministry shared a photo on social media of a long table with Russian and Ukrainian flags on it. "A place has been prepared in Belarus for talks between Russia and Ukraine, and delegations are expected to arrive," the post said.
Belarussian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Anatoly Glez said talks would begin as soon as all delegations arrived.
Russia invaded Ukraine last Thursday. Kiev was initially reluctant to send a delegation to Belarus because of Russia's role in facilitating the invasion of Ukraine.
A day after Ukrainian forces strongly resisted Russian aggression and Vladimir Putin ordered a high-alerting of nuclear forces, Ukraine vowed not to back down during the talks.
Dozens of civilians, including children, have been killed in fighting in Ukraine. According to Kiev, there are no preconditions for negotiations.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zielensky has said he is skeptical about the possibility of talks in Belarus.
"As always, I don't really believe in the outcome of this meeting but let them try," he said.