North Korea's 'Monster Missile' Test and US Sanctions
North Korea has tested the intercontinental ballistic missile Hwasung 17, which Western analysts call the "Monste…
North Korea has tested the intercontinental ballistic missile Hwasung 17, which Western analysts call the "Monste…
US President Joe Biden on Tuesday imposed sanctions on Russia for sending troops to two cities separated from Ukraine. …
The situation in Ukraine is a threat to world peace, United Nations New York: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres say…
The Suez Secrets, which contains confidential information about the accounts of customers of the international private …
A school in the Indian state of Karnataka has suspended female students protesting against the ban on hijab. Large-scal…
US President Joe Biden said on Friday that he was "convinced" that Russian President Vladimir Putin had decid…
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called half of the members of the Indian Parliament a criminal gang. Sin…
The worst hurricane to hit Britain in three decades hit the shores of EUNICE Cornwall. According to reports, hundreds o…
An Indian court has sentenced 38 of the 49 people involved in the 2008 Ahmedabad bombings to death. It is one of the la…
The resolution, passed unanimously by the senators, has no force in law but sends a message of support for Ukraine and …
Taiwan's presidential spokesman Xavier Chung said: "Weapons have been sold to Taiwan for the second time since…
Emergency declared in Ottawa due to protests by truck drivers in Canada According to CA media, the situation in the Can…
Washington : The United Nations says North Korea is funding its nuclear missile and program with cryptocurrency stolen …
According to US officials, Russia has completed 70 percent of its preparations for the invasion of Ukraine As more Russ…
Critics of the ruling say robot dogs will worsen the already unfavorable situation on the border. Robot dogs will now p…
Washington : The United States has reinstated sanctions on Iran in a bid to return to the global nuclear deal. File pho…
Russia has strongly condemned the deployment of US troops in Eastern Europe Russia has strongly condemned the deployme…
Asadullah Hashmi said that more than 15 workers were trapped in the mine collapse on Wednesday and only three were res…
Demands for the resignation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have intensified over the Corona party scandal, des…
The British Airways flight at Heathrow Airport narrowly escaped a crash due to strong winds in the UK. According to fo…